Migrating from MiniHil IDE 2.2.21 to MiniHIL IDE 3.0.0 Basic


Between miniHIL IDE v2.2.21 and v3.0.0 the underlying Eclipse was switched from the older CubeMX to the more up to date CubeIDE. This switch requires new project files and launch configurations.

To make the switch as painless as possible we provide this migration guide.


  • The current state of your project is stable, i.e. it can be opened in the miniHIL IDE v2.2.21, does not contain errors and can be build using gradle (e.g. gradlew.bat clean assemble)

  • You have a backup of the current projects state (e.g. all chages checked in)

  • Your miniHILLib is up to date (version >= 3.0.0)

Note To be able to start a debug session with the new miniHIL IDE you need to have the STLinkServer component installed. If you are unsure you can find the installer in the new miniHIL IDE zip file inside the "STLinkServer" folder.


Warning Reversing the migration involves copying back the old project files and launchConfigs and is not guaranteed to work in every case. Create a backup and proceed at your own risk.
  1. Close the old (v2.2.21) miniHIL IDE.

  2. Remove the launchConfigs folder from your MiniHILProject folder.

  3. Remove the .cproject and the .project file from your MiniHILProject folder.

  4. Extract the new .cproject, .project file and the new launchConfigs folder from the miniHilLib/migrationToCubeIDE-2.5.0.zip archive and place them in your MiniHILProject folder.

  5. Open the new (>= v3.0.0) miniHIL IDE and create a new, empty workspace.

  6. Close the welcome page.

  7. Select "Import Projects".

    1. In the import wizard select "GeneralExisting Projects into Workspace" (Do not use any of the other suggested imports).

    2. On the next page select your projects root directoy (directory containing your MiniHILProject folder).

    3. You should see and select at least the following projects "MiniHilProject", "HilSimGUI", "SimModelLib" and "SimRuntime".

    4. If you care for code completion in c code files you should import the "CubeProject" aswell.

  8. Once the import is completed you should be able to build your project using the "hammer" symbol (NOTE: The hammer symbol will only trigger the correct build the MiniHilProject itself or a file within the project is selected).

    1. If you don’t see any build output you should switch to the "Console" tab in the bottom drawer of the IDE.

Important changes in the miniHIL IDE 3.0.0

  • The build configurations are no longer presented in a drop-down menu. They can now be accessed by clicking the small downward arrow symbol next to the debug or run icon from the menu bar.

    • Run → Runs the configuration. The debugger will be automatically disconnected once the minHIL controller is flashed. Breakpoints will not work.

    • Debug → debugs the selected configuration. The debugger will not disconnect after the miniHIL controller is flashed. A breakpoint will be inserted at the main function. The miniHIL controller will halt at that breakpoint. The applicaion will only start if you resume the executuion from the debug view.

  • Some run configurations such as clean or cage doc generation can be triggerd through the "run tool icon" drop-down (the toolbar button containing a green "play" icon and a red toolbox).

  • The Build icon (hammer symbol) will only work if the MiniHILProject or a file within is selected in the project explorer.